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...Empowering minds


Approved By AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Accredited by NAAC, NBA(CSE, ECE & ME)


Funtions of the Cell

Media Contacts Management

Maintaining a comprehensive database of names, addresses, and phone numbers of all press and electronic media representatives for effective communication and engagement.

Relationship Building

Maintaining good relations with press and electronic media representatives to foster positive and productive interactions. Building partnerships and collaborations for effective communication and media coverage.

Event Invitations

Serving invitations of college programs organized in the institute to press and electronic media representatives, ensuring their participation and coverage of the events.

Press Releases & Coverage

Sending press notes along with photographs to the press and electronic media representatives to highlight and promote the events conducted in the campus. Ensuring effective media coverage and publicity.

Advertisement Recommendations

Providing recommendations to the management for advertisements in newspapers and sponsorship of local programs to enhance the visibility and reach of the college. Promoting the institution through targeted advertising strategies.

Hoarding Installations

Recommendation to the management for the installation of hoardings at important locations to create brand awareness and highlight the achievements and offerings of the college. Utilizing strategic outdoor advertising for effective communication.