S.No Tentative Date Name of the Events Remarks 1 09/01/2021(Fore noon) Alumni Meet —- 2 09/01/2021 (After noon) Alumni Interaction with students —- 3 30/01/2021 Guest Lectures —-
S.No Tentative Date Name of the events Remarks 1. 09-02-2018 Alumni meet —- 2. 09-02-2018 Alumni interaction with students —- 3. 07-12-2017 Guest Lectures —-
S.No Tentative Date Name of the events Remarks 1. 10-01-2017 (Fore noon) Alumni meet —- 2. 10-01-2017 (After noon) Alumni Interaction with students —- 3. 17-11-2016 Guest Lectures —–