S.No Date Name of the Event/Activity No of Participants Remarks 1. 09-01-2021 (Fore noon) Alumni meet 150+ —- 2. 21-12-2020 Alumni Interaction 130 (III-IV CSE) Latest trends in software industry 3. 22-01-2021 Alumni Interaction 25 (IV Civil) Career Guidance 4. 30-01-2021 Alumni Interaction 82 (IV ECE) Career Guidance & Latest trends in VLSI
S.No Date Name of the events No of participants Remarks 1. 09-02-2018 Alumni meet 27 —- 2. 09-02-2018 Alumni interaction With students 120 —- 3. 07-12-2017 Guest Lectures 120 1) VLSI 2) Current Scenario in Software industry & Opportunities
S.No Date Name of the events No of participants Remarks 1. 10-01-2017 (Fore noon) Alumni meet 18 —- 2. 10-01-2017 (After noon) Alumni Interaction with students 120 —- 3. 17-11-2016 Guest Lectures 120 1) VLSI 2) Testing Tools
S.No Date Name of the events No of participants Remarks 1. 08-01-2016 (Fore noon) Alumni meet 12 —- 2. 08-01-2016 (After noon) Alumni Interaction with students 120 —– 3. 07-09-2015 Guest Lectures —– Planning Stage