Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Student Success Stories
I am extremely happy to announce that I started my marathon journey with Infosys MNC Company. Thanks to SVIET for helping me in my journey..
SVIET provided a right, wonderful opportunity to every student. Like me, everyone can excel in every mode of life. Thanks to Management for providing great platform to become myself as a complete individual.
I have found incredible treasure of knowledge from determined faculty, discipline from respective departments and pleasantness from college environment. I am very much honored to be student of SVIET.
During my four years of B.Tech course, my faculty gave me wings to fly in the ocean of knowledge. They instilled a strong driving force to get success in upcoming challenges.
My keen observations proved that Like students, my teaching faculty members are updating their skills with institutional vision and mission to make us ready to create wonders in our life.
I remembered a great quote on this occasion 'Good, better, best. Never let it rest ' Till your good is better and your better is best. SVIET provided good resources like TPCG cell, better opportunities may become best in our career guidance.