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Approved By AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Accredited by NAAC, NBA(CSE, ECE & ME)


About Department


The Department of Electronics and communication Engineering (ECE) was established in 2008. The department runs both UG and PG with well experienced faculty in various disciplines of ECE. The department also hosts state-of-the-art laboratory facilities supporting both hardware and software in conformity with the curriculum and beyond. The labs and the infrastructure are regularly upgraded not only to serve the purpose of the curriculum prescribed but also facilitate to carry out innovative projects to challenge the fast-changing needs of the society. Faculty members of our department are not only engaged in trending technology research but are also very passionate about teaching and learning process.


To give the students real-time experience and help them learn the true functional elements of ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION.

The department has always been at the forefront in producing the quality engineers.

To give an extra mileage to the students by training them on software design and hardware-software integration so as to create more space for them in the job market.


To become centre of excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering to meet the challenges of industry and the society.


DM1: Impart high quality education to enable students to face challenges of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

DM2: Provide all possible support to promote activities in the related areas of VLSI,Comminications,Signal Processing,and Micro Processors&Micro Controllers.

DM3: Inculate ethical,professional values and life learning skills to address the sicietal needs.

Inventions In Electronics

Electronics have evolved around three components like vacuum tubes, transistors, and integrated circuits.

In 1883, the great Physicist Thomas Alva Edison found that electrons flow from one metal to another through a vacuum. This theory was known as the Edison Effect and it deals with conductors.

John Fleming in 1897 applied the Edison Effect to invent a two-element electron tube known as a diode.

The device used for amplification and transmission of electrical energy, known as triode, was discovered in the year 1906 by Lee de Forest. Triode is a three-element tube that was developed using the Edison Effect.

Later in 1948, scientists Walter Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley developed a device known as a transistor at Bell Laboratories. This invention was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Vacuum tubes were replaced by metal transistors since they offer longer life, low cost, efficiency, are light in weight, have less power consumption, and are smaller in size.

The concept of an integrated circuit was put forth in 1952 by Geoffrey W. A. Dummer.

Later in the 1960s, the full swing production of integrated circuits started.

Some of the devices that use integrated circuits are video cameras, microcomputers, medical equipment, and communication satellites.

After understanding what is electronics and the evolution of electronic devices, let us now know about its applications.

Applications of ECE

In our day-to-day life, we witness electronics playing a major role around us. If you look around, any time you can definitely spot one or another device that works with electricity. Hence, electronics have become part of our living. Let us know some of the applications of electronics.

Electronics are widely used in the automobile industry in engine control and car-entertainment systems.

It is used in utility systems like boiler feed pumps, high voltage DC transmission, static circuit breakers, and smart grid systems.

Electronics plays an important role in the aerospace industry.

Health care is one of the vital sectors which uses electronics in all activities. Electrocardiogram (ECG), ultrasound, X-ray, NMR, and many more procedures use electricity.

The advancement of technology has become possible due to electronics. Robotic checkups are possible due to electronics.

Office spaces use electronics to power appliances like air conditioners, elevators, lights, laptops, printers, fax machines, and desktops.

The backbone of our country, agriculture is also dependent on electricity for watering crops using motors, and it is also used in remote monitoring of crops and soil moisture.

A concept which revolutionised the world is the internet, electricity is the key for internet operation. Transfer of data from a server to the computers and from computers to servers takes place with the help of electricity.

In the food industry, electronics are used to store food in temperature-controlled storage.

Entertainment is one of the sectors which is largely dependent on electricity. Projector screens, televisions, radio, cameras, MP3 or MP4 portable players, smartphones, and iPods use electricity to operate.

In the image processing field, 3D images and 2D images are developed with electronic media.



Graduates of computer science engineering will be able to:

PEO1:Graduates shall accomplish Excellence in professional career and pursue higher studies with innovation.

PEO2:Graduates shall be competent professionals by inculcating values with profound knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

PEO3:Graduates shall have an attitude to apply technical knowledge to solve real time industrial problems and develop lifelong learning attitude.

PEO4:Graduates shall aware of multi disciplinary knowledge in the context of teamwork.



1)To see every student leaving Department fits into top Companies for employment and top universities for higher studies. 

2)To promote research & consultancy activities in the Department. 

3)To have a research journal in the area of Electronics 

4)To Strengthen the Industry Institute Interaction.


1)To conduct student paper contest at the national level in association with IETE, IEEE.

2)To strengthen the industry institute interaction.

3) To develop special laboratories in technical collaboration with Software giants like CADENCE, TANNER, MATLAB, MENTOR GRAPHICS, Microsoft, IBM, INFOSYS.

4)To have Center of Excellence in Department.